Generate ads for the tech industry

Trusted by 5,000+ brands and agencies, generating 1,000,000+ AI ad creatives
Get better outcomes with Pencil's AI
Create ads 10x faster with Pencil's AI - rapidly deploy campaigns for product launches, updates, and new features.
Grow your content as you grow your company. Generate multiple ad variations at scale.
Find out which ads will perform best with Pencil's predictive analytics.
Stand out from your competitors with refreshing, creative ads. Chat to Pencil for ideas, insights and finished ads.
Take ads from concept to launch with one platform, where any and every team member can collaborate.
Test multiple ad variations simultaneously to learn what works.
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Powering brands of all shapes and sizes
lift in ROAS on average
”Pencil has been a game changer for us. It’s helped us generate some of our best ever Facebook creative. The team kicks ass too.”